
Incentive Alignment | In the News

Mandate terms are key to overcoming short-termism

1 July 2021 - “The first step towards a more effective monitoring approach is to recognise that short-term performance data are at best a weak indicator of success for strategies with long-term objectives”

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In the News

Eliminating the costs of disruption

21 June 2021 - Institutional investors face a rapid and evolving set of responsibilities that can severely impact their ability to focus and fulfill on their long-term strategy if not dealt with in a process-driven way. FCLTGlobal has released a guide for investors, Ripples of Responsibility, to specifically provide procedures around those responsibilities and gives investors tools to understand and fulfill on these responsibilities.

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In the News

COVID-19 Canceled Quarterly Guidance – This Bad Habit Shouldn’t Come Back

8 April 2021 - Companies that provide more frequent and regular guidance often experience higher volatility during earnings season, as short-term investors speculate on forthcoming results.

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Climate | In the News

Climate plans of big companies need substance

15 March 2021 - Distant emissions pledges will ring hollow unless boards are held to account for progress now.

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In the News

Near-Term Thinking Can Cut Wealth Short

12 March 2021 - ...

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In the News

Op-ed: BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is right about climate change disclosure

4 February 2021 - The recommendation that public corporations disclose their plans for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 should be embraced by companies and investors as well as pragmatically implemented by regulators globally, write Jay Clayton and Mark Wiseman.

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In the News

Video: Companies investing in ESG will ‘likely outperform overtime’

22 January 2021 - Sarah Keohane Williamson, FCLTGlobal CEO joins Yahoo Finance Live to break down how companies can navigate volatile markets in 2021 and weigh in on the advantages of companies investing in ESG.

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In the News

Will Covid-19 Shake Up Capitalism?

20 January 2021 - ...

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