

Rising to the Challenge of Short-Termism

28 September 2016 - Discussions of corporate short-termism are often a microcosm of the issue itself. On the short view—say, 2009 to the present—things are looking up. CEO tenures, the average holding period for S&P 500 shares, and the average duration of corporate bonds are all up. If one takes a longer view, however, the picture begins to darken. By some measures, U.S. business investment in fixed assets is at an all-time low, while the share of net income S&P 500 companies spend on buybacks is at an all-time...

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In the News

New Index Puts Long-Term Investors to Useful Test

21 September 2016 - The long-term investment brigade just got a metric by which to prove its mettle – or a petard from which to hang. Institutions and politicians that have decried the ephemeral thinking that has crept into boardrooms, compensation committees and market-makers will now have their own global stock index. With some fast-growing companies failing to make the cut, it’s a bold experiment. Canada’s Pension Plan Investment Board, which oversees C$273 billion of assets, is leading a group that will allocate $2 billion to the new S&P Long-Term...

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Press Release

Focusing Capital on the Long-Term Appoints Sarah Keohane Williamson as Inaugural Chief Executive Officer

26 July 2016 - BOSTON, JULY 26, 2016 — Focusing Capital on the Long Term (“FCLT”) announced today that Sarah Keohane Williamson has accepted the role of inaugural Chief Executive Officer. Williamson will lead FCLT’s transformation from an initiative formed in 2013 by Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (“CPPIB”), and McKinsey & Company to a not-for-profit global organization dedicated to developing practical tools and approaches that encourage long-term behaviors in business and investment decision-making. The Founders of this new organization are BlackRock, CPPIB, The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”), McKinsey & Company,...

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In the News

Canada’s CPPIB Leads New Effort to Promote Long-Term Investing

13 April 2016 - Yo-yoing stock markets, negative interest rates, talk of currency wars: With so many factors roiling markets, it’s easy for investors to let short-term factors obscure the keys to long-term success. Now a group of six leading institutions, led by the C$282 billion ($217 billion) CPP Investment Board, is fighting back. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, these institutions unveiled a new stock index that identifies companies with strong balance sheets, good governance and clear long-term strategies, and committed to investing $2 billion in products...

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In the News

Savvy Investor Awards – Best Investment Papers of 2015 Announced

26 January 2016 -   LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Savvy Investor Awards, announced on 26 January, recognise the best pensions and investment white papers of 2015. “Best Investment Paper 2015” was awarded to a report written as part of a global initiative to encourage institutional investors to invest for the long-term. The 60-page report, “Long-Term Investing – Portfolio Guide” is a global collaboration between nine institutions: BlackRock, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Capital Group, GIC, New Zealand Superannuation Fund, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, PGGM, and Washington...

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In the News

Canadian-Led Thinking Filters Through at Davos: Wells

22 January 2016 - Should Chainsaw need an introduction, allow me to précis by saying Mr. Dunlap earned the nickname via his habit of clear cutting employees, most famously half the 12,000-strong workforce at small-appliance maker Sunbeam Corp. Here’s the nut: Chainsaw Al’s game was to boost the company’s stock performance by pleasing Wall Street. He accomplished this not only by slashing employees, but by perfecting the unseemly arts of bill and hold, channel stuffing and cookie jar accounting.

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A Powerful Catalyst to Influence Corporate and Investor Behavior

21 January 2016 - In FCLT’s March 2015 publication ‘The Long-Term Portfolio Guide‘, we argued that while progress has been made in the last few years with the creation of non-traditional indexes that are not solely focused on market capitalization, more could be done to design and utilize benchmarks that foster a longer-term orientation. If widely adopted by asset owners and managers, such benchmarks may well have the power to influence boards and management at investee companies, resulting in more efficient deployment of corporate strategies and capital aimed at...

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In the News

Global Market Rout Means ‘Buy’ Amid Panic, CPP’s Wiseman Says

21 January 2016 - “Absolutely it’s a buying opportunity, when the world is panicking and you have a quintessentially long-term view,” Mark Wiseman, the chief executive officer of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, said in an interview at the World Economic Forum. “Whatever negative market sentiment there is, I don’t believe is supported by the facts that are coming out.”

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In the News

CPPIB Urges Investors to Look to the Long-Term

21 January 2016 - Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has teamed up with S&P Dow Jones Indices to track businesses with the potential to deliver returns over the long haul, with the ambitious plan to influence other companies to adopt better governance and business practices. Several institutions have signed on to invest in the new S&P Long-Term Value Creation Global Index, and CPPIB expects retail investors will soon gain access through funds.

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In the News

Activists Beware: Huge Investors Debut New Long-Term Index

21 January 2016 - A group of large global investors hopes a new stock index will prove that companies with good governance and focused on long-term goals will produce higher returns for shareholders. Six global pension plans and sovereign-wealth funds debuted the S&P Long-Term Value Creation Global Index at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, an index they said represents companies that can be role models for others.

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In the News

ATP, PGGM Part of €650bn Consortium Backing S&P Long-Term Index

21 January 2016 - The S&P Long-Term Value Creation (LTVC) Global Index comprises firms that have, according to the index provider, a proven ability to manage the long-term economic and governance opportunities in the market, based on analysis provided by RobecoSAM. The creation of the index was recommended as part of the Focusing Capital on the Long Term Initiative (FCLT), founded by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) and consultancy McKinsey in 2013.

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Regional Perspectives on Long-Term Value Creation

18 September 2015 - A group of corporate and investment leaders convened in Santiago, São Paulo, and Singapore to discuss the roadmap for focusing capital on the long term, identify how short-termism manifests itself in particular economies and solicit ideas for how local businesses and investors can enhance their long-term focus. The sessions in Santiago and São Paulo were co-hosted by CPPIB and McKinsey & Co, with CPPIB and GIC acting as co-hosts for the session in Singapore. Key highlights from these round-tables include: Short-termism is an issue with broad relevance: Participants challenged...

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