2 April 2020 - Babcock has led FCLTGlobal’s work on governance, innovation and engagement with a particular focus on how investment behavior can shift toward the long term via effective corporate strategy and investor communications.
2 April 2020 - While our focus is always on the long term, we must, of course, turn our attention to the needs of the moment. With this in mind, I would like to update you on what’s in store for FCLTGlobal as the global community responds to coronavirus: Our research agenda will continue as planned. While our staff is working remotely in accordance with social distancing measures, we intend to pursue our current projects with the same rigor as before this situation unfolded. We will be offering several programs to...
Risk and Resilience | Article
30 March 2020 - Thinking about the long term in the midst of a global pandemic may seem counter-intuitive, or just downright impossible. Here are some top suggestions for corporate executives.
Risk and Resilience | Video
23 March 2020 - Interviews from our members on how they assess, manage, and plan for long- and short-term portfolio risk.
Earnings Guidance | Article
23 March 2020 - Global investors take action by reporting on long-term returns.
In the News
16 March 2020 - Markets always come back from major disruptions, though it takes a while.
Metrics | Press Release
6 March 2020 - FCLTGlobal’s third Summit brings together top companies and investors
6 March 2020 - Highlights from the 2020 Focusing Capital on the Long Term Summit
In the News
2 March 2020 - As part of the effort to research long-term value creation across the investment value chain, FCLTGlobal has reached a significant and surprising finding: board gender diversity is as important as revenue growth in predicting a company’s long-term success.
In the News
12 February 2020 - How can they help investors cope with periods of short-term volatility and market downturns?
In the News
4 February 2020 - Outbreak will show whether there is substance behind pledges to manage for the long term
Incentive Alignment, Mandates | Article
30 January 2020 - Ontario Teachers’ scales several long-term mandate provisions across the fund and pilots many others.