Climate, Governance, Strategy | Podcast
16 November 2020 - Chief Justice Leo Strine joins the Going Long podcast to discuss his views on stakeholder capitalism, varying global stances on ESG, the changing role of activist investors, and methods to improve corporate governance.
Strategy | Article
13 November 2020 - CFA’s Director of Investment Performance joins webinar on risk management to discuss order of performance reporting.
Climate, Strategy | In the News
12 November 2020 - "Transparency is the currency for trust and we have to get on with executing the strategy we have laid out and be transparent about it so people can see we are doing what we said. In time, investors will be more convinced we can create value by doing the right thing by the world.”
Climate | Video
11 November 2020 - Climate change is the largest systemic risk in the view of many long-term investors, and investors are pioneering ways to address this risk, including work to apply existing risk statistics specifically to climate projection and to pioneer new estimates. Projections like these about the impact of climate change on investment performance would represent enormous progress because they would advance beyond general uncertainty and instead make climate change a specific component of risk management.
Strategy, Climate | Video
11 November 2020 - Climate change is the largest systemic risk in the view of many long-term investors, and investors are pioneering ways to address this risk, including work to apply existing risk statistics specifically to climate projection and to pioneer new estimates. Projections like these about the impact of climate change on investment performance would represent enormous progress because they would advance beyond general uncertainty and instead make climate change a specific component of risk management.
Strategy | Video
6 November 2020 - On Friday 6 November, FCLTGlobal and McKinsey & Company hosted the first panel in our virtual event series, "Investing in the Sustainable Transition." Larry Fink (BlackRock), Bernard Looney (bp), Kevin Sneader (McKinsey), and Sarah Williamson (FCLTGlobal) discussed the progress and outlook for sustainability within the global energy sector.
Press Release
5 November 2020 - Largest global alternative asset manager joins global consortium focused on ending financial short-termism.
Governance | Podcast
2 November 2020 - Adena Friedman, President and CEO of Nasdaq, sits down with FCLTGlobal CEO Sarah Keohane Williamson to discuss the importance of cooperative capitalism.
Governance | Article
27 October 2020 - Webinar hosted by FCLTGlobal and Russell Reynolds Associates follows up on joint research on how boards can steward long-term value creation
Strategy | Video
26 October 2020 - An interview with Diedre Ypma, Managing Director at Neuberger Berman
Strategy | Video
15 October 2020 - During this session, McKinsey’s Global Managing Partner Kevin Sneader, Partner Tim Koller, and FCLTGlobal CEO Sarah K. Williamsonm discussed the five steps CEOs and boards can take to better orient their decision-making to long-term value creation.