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In the News

Creating Greater Long-Term Sustainable Value

1 October 2018 - To attract these investors, companies need to develop, communicate, and execute a long-term value-creating strategy. CFOs, finance organizations, and management accountants can play a pivotal role in helping companies refocus their strategic performance measures and...

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Planning to Fail

7 September 2018 - ...

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Asset Managers get Involved in the Companies They Own

30 August 2018 - Executives have grown used to being nagged about their company’s strategy and governance by all and sundry. Activist hedge funds targeted 524 companies worldwide between January and June, compared with 570 in the whole of...

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In the News

Trump is Right: Quarterly Earnings Reports Should Go

23 August 2018 - Last week, President Donald Trump suggested in a tweet that companies could report results every six months instead of quarterly. “That would allow greater flexibility & save money. I have asked the SEC to study!” he...

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In the News

Why Quarterly Reporting From Business Makes Sense

17 August 2018 - In a morning tweet, he said this suggestion came from top business leaders who told him that this “would allow greater flexibility & save money.” Indeed. But at a time when public confidence in all...

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In the News

The End of Quarterly Reporting? Not Much to Cheer About

17 August 2018 - President Trump proposed Friday that public companies should report their financial results only twice a year instead of quarterly....

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In the News

Going Long

30 July 2018 - Short-termism. IR professionals and corporate management teams are constantly battling the tendency of many investors to buy or sell shares based on short-term quarterly earnings rather than long-term results. Companies thrive when investors are with...

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In the News

What ‘Long-Term Investor’ Really Means

12 July 2018 - Every asset owner I have met proclaims they are a long-term investor in much the same way that every CEO declares that their greatest asset is their people – automatically and without thinking about it...

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In the News

Buffett Says ‘Short-Termism’ Harmful to Economy and Investors

6 July 2018 - In conjunction with Business Roundtable, an association of nearly 200 major company CEOs, they wrote that, “in our experience, quarterly earnings guidance often leads to an unhealthy focus on short-term profits at the expense of...

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