

Going Long Podcast: EY’s Carmine Di Sibio on Building a Better Working World

24 June 2024 - "We are in the top of the first inning with AI. It's beginning to revolutionize business efficiency and operations, and the possibilities for future innovations are vast."

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Going Long Podcast: Andrew Liveris on Leading Through Disruption

12 February 2024 - "That system of geopolitics brought us this notion that globalization superseded the United Nations as a way of dealing with each other. That's been torn asunder."

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Going Long Podcast: IFM’s David Neal on Harnessing the Potential of Pension Capital

27 December 2023 - "It is a fascinating system, and in some ways it's an incredibly simple one. But what's grown from it is one of the most sophisticated, institutional investment environments in pension systems around the world."

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Going Long Podcast: Blackstone’s Jon Gray on Finding Opportunities in Market Shifts and Global Megatrends

2 October 2023 - “If you really think about investing as pattern recognition, you see a bunch of dots and you connect them, and you see them before other people and invest against that. That's how you generate outsized returns.”

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Going Long Podcast: OTPP’s Jonathan Hausman on Long-term Investing in a Changing World

12 September 2023 - OTPP's Jonathan Hausman joins the podcast to explore the firm's focus on long-term strategies and their perspectives on the ever-evolving global economy.

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Going Long Podcast: Baillie Gifford’s Stuart Dunbar on “Actual Investing”

26 June 2023 - "We've created all sorts of noise around what is a fairly straightforward activity of deploying real capital in the real world into projects that create wealth so investors can make money and people's living standards can rise."

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Going Long Podcast: Lucy Parker, Brunswick Group

5 June 2023 - Lucy Parker, Strategic Advisor at the Brunswick Group, and co-author of “The Activist Leader: A New Mindset for Doing Business” joins the Going Long podcast to discuss how today’s leaders are stepping in to clean up broken systems, build sustainable businesses, and find their role in a new era of activist leadership. 

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Going Long Podcast: Carine Smith Ihenacho, NBIM

22 May 2023 - Carine Smith Ihenacho, Chief Governance and Compliance Officer at Norges Bank Investment Management, joins the podcast to discuss what responsible investment means to NBIM, the challenges and obstacles of implementing a responsible investing approach, and what differentiates NBIM from other large-scale institutional investors.

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Going Long Podcast: John Connaughton, Bain Capital

3 October 2022 - Historically, the purpose of the private investment industry – whether public or private – has been simply to achieve a return. Bain’s John Connaughton joins the podcast to discuss how to break that stereotype, both...

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Going Long Podcast: Amy O’Brien, Nuveen

19 September 2022 - “What matters more in my opinion is the word that comes after you use the acronym ESG. Do we mean ESG factors? […] Do we mean ESG commitments? Do we mean ESG outcomes or impacts? So, first and foremost, let's make sure we understand the context of how that acronym is being used.”

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Going Long Podcast: Rachelle Sampson

15 August 2022 - Rachelle Sampson is an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business and the inaugural winner of the Panmure House Prize, an award for research into long-term investing and its relationship with innovation.

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Lori Heinel State Street


Going Long Podcast: Lori Heinel, State Street Global Advisors

5 July 2022 - “It is a very delicate balance – where do you cross the line from an issue that is actually material to long-term investment performance and something that might be more political?”

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