From the EY panel at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, FCLTGlobal CEO Sarah Keohane Williamson discusses 4 "levers" to move from short-term to long-term thinking. Featuring Carmine Di Sibio (EY), Paul Tudor Jones II (JUST Capital), Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson (FT).
Stakeholder Capitalism, Metrics, Climate | Article
28 January 2020 - A focus on stakeholders takes top billing, with a shift toward real action on climate and metrics
Stakeholder Capitalism | Video
22 January 2020 - From WEF 2020 in Davos, Sarah Williamson stresses the need to focus on all stakeholders, not just shareholders.
Stakeholder Capitalism, Governance | Video
22 January 2020 - The shift towards stakeholder capitalism calls for a new vision of good environmental, social and corporate governance. What difficult decisions must chief executives take to pivot towards stronger governance by stakeholders?