At WEF 2020 in Davos, Sarah Williamson stresses the need to focus on all stakeholders, not just shareholders.
Press Release
13 November 2018 - Boston, MA, 13 November 2018 – On Monday in Dubai, FCLTGlobal CEO Sarah Williamson co-chaired the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Long-term Investing at the group’s Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils. The group met over the course of the two-day conference to discuss current global business trends and how to integrate practices that can rewire capital markets toward a longer-term investment philosophy. Also co-chairing the was Alison Tarditi, Chief Investment Officer of Australia’s Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation. The World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils are an...
13 February 2018 - Another January has come and gone, and another week of discussions at Davos has drawn to a close.
4 February 2019 - The debate no longer concerns why organizations should be longer-term, but rather how they can accomplish it.