CEO Sarah Williamson shares her thoughts on quarterly guidance and companies' and investors' on going focus on quarterly results.
Investor-Corporate Engagement, Earnings Guidance | Report
23 October 2017 - Since 2005, research has consistently found that the vast majority of corporate executives think that short-term pressure is growing, that it is changing their business decisions, and that those changes are destroying value. One effective way that corporations are combating this phenomenon is by moving away from quarterly earnings per share (EPS) guidance and instead providing investors with a long-term road map focused on the fundamental economic drivers of the business tied to management’s outlook on critical key performance indicators (KPIs). As we highlighted in our...
In the News
7 June 2018 - Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B), and Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s (JPM) chief executive officer, said in a joint Wall Street Journal editorial that they are encouraging all public companies to consider moving away the practice, arguing that it can stifle long-term investments. “Quarterly earnings guidance often leads to an unhealthy focus on short-term profits at the expense of long-term strategy, growth and sustainability,” they said.
Earnings Guidance | Toolkit
25 October 2018 - We are exploring the most effective ways for corporations to communicate their long-term plan and prospects to the investment community.