“What matters more in my opinion is the word that comes after you use the acronym ESG. Do we mean ESG factors? […] Do we mean ESG commitments? Do we mean ESG outcomes or impacts? So, first and foremost, let’s make sure we understand the context of how that acronym is being used.”
Seventy percent of respondents of Nuveen’s annual Responsible Investing survey indicated that seeing the specific societal or environmental benefits of their investments is a critical motivator to participating in responsible investing. Amy O’Brien, Global Head of Responsible Investing for Nuveen, joins the Going Long podcast to discuss her team’s approach to meeting that demand, including the evolution of the phrase “ESG”, the guiding principles behind Nuveen’s proxy voting on environmental issues, the details behind the organization’s 2050 net-zero commitment, and more.
About Amy
Amy O’Brien is Global Head of Responsible Investing for Nuveen. Amy leads her team in creating a holistic responsible investing vision, strategy, and unified framework across Nuveen and TIAA. Amy is a member of the Nuveen Executive Leadership Team and Global Investment Committee. In 2018, Amy was identified by Barron’s as one of the most influential people in ESG investing and was named ESG Investment Manager of the Year in 2021 by Women in Asset Management.
About Nuveen
Nuveen is a global investment manager that works in partnership with clients to create outcome-focused solutions. Learn more.