MOTION: This House believes that finance sector net zero pledges will have no positive impact on real economy decarbonisation
Climate | Report
11 April 2022 - An Adaptable, Top-Down Approach to Addressing Climate Change in Investment Portfolios
Climate | Report
26 April 2023 - As companies around the world begin to make the shift to more sustainable practices, private markets have the potential to drive substantial investment in the "grey-to-green" transition by investing in high-carbon-emitting sectors with the goal of reducing their emissions over time. However, concerns around returns, metrics, and reputational impacts are limiting greater participation.
Climate | Article
22 April 2022 - Smart investors can build a net zero portfolio today, but you shouldn’t want them to. It won’t have a stellar risk-return profile, and it’s likely to only produce “paper” decarbonization rather than cutting real-world emissions.