Boston, MA, 11 January 2021 – Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), the asset management unit of the Norwegian central bank, has joined FCLTGlobal as the non-profit’s latest member organization. NBIM joins 50+ other companies and investors who are committed to FCLTGlobal’s mission of increasing long-term decision-making in the global business community.
FCLTGlobal’s membership is representative of the asset owners, asset managers, and corporations that make up the global investment value chain. Members participate in action-oriented programming, fund ongoing operations, and actively contribute to current research initiatives that promote long-term oriented strategies for companies and investors worldwide.
“NBIM is a quintessential long-term investor. For years, it has put into practice many of the principles that are now core to FCLTGlobal’s mission. As one of the largest owners in the global markets, NBIM will provide an important voice and invaluable expertise to the discussion on how to overcome short-termism in investing,” said Sarah Keohane Williamson, FCLTGlobal’s CEO.
As a long-term investor in more than 9,000 companies in 72 countries, NBIM has an expressed interest in investors’ demands for profitability being aligned with society’s broader expectations of companies. The fund strives to ensure responsible, long-term management of revenue from Norway’s gas and oil, and considers environmental and social issues, and publishes clear expectations of the companies it invests in. It is headquartered in Oslo with offices worldwide.
FCLTGlobal was founded in 2013 as Focusing Capital on the Long Term, a joint initiative of CPP Investments and McKinsey & Company. In July 2016, CPP Investments and McKinsey partnered with BlackRock, Dow, and Tata Sons to found FCLTGlobal as an independent non-profit. Since that time, the organization has recruited more than 50 global companies and investors to advocate for a more widespread long-term approach to business and investment decision-making.
About FCLTGlobal
FCLTGlobal is a non-profit organization that develops research and tools that encourage long-term business and investing. At the heart of our work are our Members – leading global asset owners, asset managers, and companies that demonstrate a clear priority on long-term investment strategies in their own work. We conduct research through a collaborative process that brings together the entire global investment value chain, emphasizing the initiatives that market participants can take to make a sustainable financial future a reality for all. Please visit www.fcltglobal.org for more information.
About Norges Bank Investment Management
Norges Bank Investment Management manages the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, often referred to as the Norwegian oil fund. We manage assets worth more than 10,000 billion kroner, or about 1,1 trillion dollars. The fund is invested in international equity and fixed-income markets and in real estate. The aim of the fund is to ensure responsible and long-term management of revenue from Norway’s oil and gas resources so that this wealth benefits both current and future generations of Norway. Our objective as manager of the fund is to generate the highest possible return on the fund. We aim to achieve this in a safe, efficient, responsible and transparent manner, and within government guidelines.
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