It sounds simple enough: future-oriented chairs lead boards that build long-term value in their companies.

But what does this mean practically? How can chairs lead their boards toward long-term success effectively? Of course, boards vary greatly based on whether they are private or public and in which country they are located. However, the characteristics of strong board chairs are remarkably similar across structures and countries.

As part of our ongoing work on long-term boards of directors, we’ve asked board chairs from across our membership and beyond what chairs can do to be most effective in guiding the board and the organization over the long term. This list of “pro tips” comes from chairs and directors who have collectively participated in thousands of board meetings in organizations around the world.

1. Invest in trusting relationships – among the board, with management, and with owners

2. Resource directors for the role

3. Set each agenda deliberately

4. Prioritize critical thinking and avoid groupthink

Effective chairs make effective boards. Using this list to question your practice as a chair can build effective leadership and effective companies.

Governance | Toolkit

Future Fit Boards: A Self-Assessment for Board Directors

9 October 2024 - When considering whether to accept or continue a position on a board, it is critical that directors evaluate the match between their skills and interests and the organization’s needs.

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Governance | Toolkit

Future Fit Boards: Questions For Developing Strategic Governance

17 June 2024 - Long-term corporate boards must evolve to achieve their corporation’s future ambitions, rather than remaining anchored to the status quo.

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Governance | Report

The Long-Term Habits of a Highly Effective Corporate Board

29 March 2019 - A well-functioning corporate board of directors wields the power to meaningfully influence the purpose, culture, and direction of an organization. This is often among a company’s greatest untapped strategic assets.

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