In the newest episode of the acclaimed podcast series “Capital Allocators“, CEO Sarah Williamson sat down with host Ted Seides to discuss the current state of FCLTGlobal and status quo of global long-term investment. The Capital Allocators podcast is a weekly series of conversations with leaders in money management about the people and process behind capital allocation. Mr. Seides is the founder of Hidden Brook Investments, LLC.
Over the the course of the discussion, Sarah shared about the path that brought her to FCLTGlobal, the issues we hope our work will address, and the behaviors she’s already witnessing in the industry that can encourage further long-term value creation. The conversation covers potential improvements at the corporate level, including eliminating quarterly guidance, executive compensation, capital allocation, and Board dynamics, and then turns to the relationship between money managers and allocators, including fee structures, setting expectations, reporting returns, and governance. Lastly, Sarah discusses FCLTGlobal’s upcoming research initiatives.
The full episode can be found above, on the Capital Allocators website, as well as on all podcast networks.