Schroders and FCLTGlobal recently hosted a discussion with leaders from across the investment management industry to discuss how to create a better long-term investment environment in Europe.
Schroders and FCLTGlobal recently hosted a discussion with leaders from across the investment management industry to discuss how to create a better long-term investment environment in Europe.
Schroders and FCLTGlobal recently hosted a discussion with leaders from across the investment management industry to discuss how to create a better long-term investment environment in Europe.
Debating the pros and cons of taking a long-term investment perspective and market-based solutions, Schroders, global investment manager and FCLTGlobal member, recently hosted a discussion with leaders from across the investment management industry to discuss how to create a better long-term investment environment in Europe.
The event was held at Schroders’ head office in London, June 28, 2017. Panel speakers included Sarah Keohane Williamson, FCLTGlobal CEO; Huw van Steenis, Global Head of Strategy at Schroders; Jessica Ground, Global Head of Stewardship at Schroders; Mark Machin, President and CEO of CPPIB, and Sir Winfried Bischoff, Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council.
An engaging discussion followed on the perceived short-termism in markets, the merits of long-termism and how to incentivize long-term behaviors along the investment chain. The investor drive for increased long-term thinking continues to gain momentum across the continent, with speakers agreeing that excessive focus on short-term reporting can obstruct a long-term dialogue between investors and company management.
“We believe that the lost opportunity of companies behaving in a short-term manner is an important driver of the economy that we need to correct.” -Sarah Keohane Williamson, CEO, FCLTGlobal
Click here for the full post-event discussion with FCLTGlobal’s Sarah Keohane Williamson and Schroders’ Huw van Steenis.