The prevailing wisdom is that activist investors can drive corporate short-term behavior singlehandedly. The prevailing wisdom is wrong. At just 0.3% of total global equity assets under management (AUM) in 2018, activists depend on the support of long-term investors for their influence. Without clarity on long-term shareholders’ views, companies perceive short-term pressure coming from their investors and assume the activists speak for the entirety of the shareholder register.

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Having a strong investor/corporate dialogue well before an activist campaign arises is the way to encourage companies to proactively improve the drivers of long-term value creation—such as bolstering their governance, honing strategies for growth, and engaging with long-term investors. Strong long-term performance is the best way to limit opportunity for an activist campaign. Indeed, rather than being a spectator, long-term investors have a significant role to play alongside companies to counteract short-term activist behaviors. It is well within the power of these long-term investors to either amplify or dampen the short-term impact of activism, serving as essential players of the activism ‘game.’

In the activist game, long-term investors often determine the final score.

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Press Release

Investors play significant role in counteracting short-term activists, new study finds

25 June 2020 - Boston, MA, 25 June 2020 – FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that advocates for a longer-term focus in business and investing, has published a new report reexamining the dynamic between companies and “activist” investors.

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In the News

Activists Beware: Huge Investors Debut New Long-Term Index

21 January 2016 - A group of large global investors hopes a new stock index will prove that companies with good governance and focused on long-term goals will produce higher returns for shareholders. Six global pension plans and sovereign-wealth funds debuted the S&P Long-Term Value Creation Global Index at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday, an index they said represents companies that can be role models for others.

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Investor-Corporate Engagement | In the News

After a record 2019 for activist investors, here’s how companies can protect themselves

1 July 2020 - FCLTGlobal CEO Sarah Williamson joins Yahoo Finance’s On The Move panel to address how activist investors are impacting markets.

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