Climate | In the News
3 August 2022 - This episode of the Governance Matters podcast looks at changing board attitudes toward climate change and what investors are looking for from directors in terms of climate-related skills and knowledge.
In the News
2 August 2022 - The third edition of FCLTGlobal’s report, Institutional Investment Mandates: Anchors for Long-Term Performance provides a toolkit for mandate processes and behaviours to reorient towards the long term, including a rethink of KPIs that asset owners can use to evaluate their managers. The report demonstrates these concepts in reality by giving examples of asset owners and managers using them to good effect in practice.
In the News
27 July 2022 - FCLTGlobal’s latest report provides a starting point for mandate negotiations that emphasise long-term provisions, rather than short-term incentives which it said are common in today’s investment contracts.
In the News
20 July 2022 - FCLTGlobal suggests incorporating loyalty fee discounts, making changes to performance reporting, and integrating net-zero commitments. FCLTGlobal, a nonprofit that promotes long-term investing, has provided new guidance to help asset owners and managers make longtermism a more concrete part of their investment relationships — by putting it in their contracts.
Press Release
19 July 2022 - New report expands “Long-term Model for Institutional Investment Mandates”
In the News
12 July 2022 - Thought leaders Ronald O’Hanley of State Street and Sarah Keohane Williamson of FCLTGlobal shined their spotlights on ESG at the latest NIRI annual conference.
Climate | In the News
28 June 2022 - Companies act on what their investors prioritize. And companies have set climate goals given the focus of the global investor community on climate change goal setting. Yet, where the goals are disconnected from the business strategy, they do not materially change what companies prioritize, where they allocate capital and how they operate. Their behavior—and therefore their risk exposure and impact— does not meaningfully evolve.
Climate | In the News
17 June 2022 - In order to strengthen their net-zero transitions, companies should articulate how targets fit into their future based on potential growth, showcase those targets in their strategic plans, identify benefits and risks, and establish accountability systems, according to a report from FCLTGlobal.
In the News
2 June 2022 - “The lack of common standards for measuring ESG progress may be one factor inhibiting fund managers from offering ESG funds, as well as limiting their ability to effectively evaluate investment performance for both ESG and financial results. Research from FCLT Global - a nonprofit focusing on long-term value creation research and tools - shows that there are over 600 ESG frameworks that companies use to report nonfinancial performance and demonstrate long-term value creation.”
Climate | In the News
31 May 2022 - The world is approaching an inflection point on climate investing, says the Asia-Pacific chair of one of the world’s largest asset managers, with developments on standardised data and appropriate incentives that are speeding the pace towards net-zero emissions.
Climate | Press Release
31 May 2022 - Latest research from FCLTGlobal examines the climate and business disclosures of the world’s 100 largest companies
In the News
27 May 2022 - Indeed, money needs to move much faster into decarbonizing the hardest-to-clean-up industries, from aviation to steel, while also supporting new, green technology. For some realist climate investors that may mean investing more in industrials, increasing the carbon footprint of their portfolios in the short term. Sarah Keohane Williamson, CEO of Focusing Capital on the Long Term, suggests the tradeoff is worth it. “Do you want a green portfolio or a green planet?” she asked.