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In the News

A Guide to Long-Term Mandates

5 December 2017 - The FCLT paper, Institutional Investment Mandates: Anchors for Long Term Performance, includes a top-10 list of recommendations for long-term mandates that covers fees, benchmarks, the term of the contract and performance reporting. It gives investors ideas for changing behaviours to better inform long-term thinking; for example, changing the frame of reference of performance reporting, and flipping the standard practice of listing short-term results ahead of longer-term outcomes.

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Beating Analysts’ Expectations or Simply Cooking the Books?

16 November 2017 - Earnings move markets. Last month, the Nasdaq enjoyed its biggest one-day gain in a year following blowout earnings from technology giants Amazon, Google and Microsoft. However, while earnings can highlight underlying economic trends, they can also obscure them. Earnings season is often dubbed cheating season, and for good reason. Every quarter, the vast majority of companies beat low-balled estimates. Not only that, companies can use all kinds of accounting tricks – both legal and illegal – to mislead investors.

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Investor-Corporate Engagement | Press Release

New Evidence Supports Transition From Quarterly Guidance

24 October 2017 - Boston, MA, October 24, 2017– FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that works to encourage a longer-term focus in business and investment decision-making, today published a report, Moving Beyond Quarterly Guidance: A Relic of the Past, calling into question the need for quarterly guidance to shareholders and investors.  The report debunks long-held industry misconceptions about the importance of short-term earnings guidance, and argues that companies and investors should move away from this practice. Key findings from the report show: Providing quarterly forward earnings guidance (as distinct from quarterly reporting) is increasingly on a downward...

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In the News

The False Prophet of ‘Long-Term Investing’

12 October 2017 - A decade to the day since the precrisis peak of U.S. stocks, it has become easier and easier for investors to take a long-term view. Those who bought on the day the S&P 500 hit its top on Oct. 9, 2007, and held on through the subsequent panic and market collapse, have more than doubled their money, including dividends.

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In the News

Can Companies be Persuaded to Think Long Term?

8 June 2017 - In a 2011 article, McKinsey & Company chief Dominic Barton called on his global counterparts to adopt a longer-term approach to business planning in the wake of the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Two years later, McKinsey and the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) conducted a study of more than 1,000 board members and CEOs, and found out how pervasive “quarterly capitalism” has become: More than 40 percent of those surveyed said they set business strategy using a time horizon of less than three years,...

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In the News

Four Questions with FCLT

7 June 2017 - Sarah Williamson, CEO of not-for-profit initiative Focusing Capital on the Long Term, explains why quarterly guidance should be abolished and how IROs can get insightful feedback from investors.

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In the News

Letters to the Editor

2 March 2017 - Schumpeter’s recent column on corporate short-termism suggests that “the solution is to prod incumbent firms to invest vast amounts and insulate their managers from investors” (February 18th). On the contrary, the solutions should be much more targeted to how capital markets really work. We are exploring two such solutions. One is rethinking the quarterly guidance process to engage managers with, rather than insulate them from, investors in their long-term strategic thinking. The second solution is to change the relationships and incentives between asset owners and fund...

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In the News

Corporate Short-Termism is a Frustratingly Slippery Idea

16 February 2017 - AS AMERICA’S economy has misfired over the past decade, several grand theories have emerged about what went wrong. Economists fret about secular stagnation, debt hangovers and whether demography explains sluggish growth. In American boardrooms, meanwhile, a widely held view is that a dangerous short-termism has taken hold. This theory contends that investors and executives have become myopic, leading firms to invest too little. Like many business ideas, short-termism fits the experience of some individual business people. But as a theory about how the economy works...

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In the News

Is Corporate Short-Termism Really a Problem? The Jury’s Still Out

16 February 2017 - If they do, as many CEOs believe, this is a serious indictment of current corporate governance arrangements and has important policy implications. To take one close to my heart, if short-termism causes underinvestment, it will be a cause of secular stagnation. I am not sure what to believe in this area. On the one hand, there are many anecdotes suggesting that pressures to manage earnings hold back investment. And the short-termism view is very widely believed.

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