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Press Release

FCLTGlobal Appoints New Members to Board of Directors

2 January 2019 - Boston, MA, 2 January 2019 – FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that works to encourage a longer-term focus in business and investment decision-making, is pleased to announce the addition of six new members to our Board of Directors. The following executives joined the board effective January 1, 2019: Vijay Advani, CEO, Nuveen Investments Inc Leni Boeren, CEO, Kempen Capital Management Peter Harrison, Group Chief Executive, Schroders Geraldine Matchett, CFO, DSM Kevin Sneader, Global Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company Howard Ungerleider, President and Chief Financial Officer of Dow, and Chief Financial Officer of DowDuPont All six of the...

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In the News

G20 Investor Forum: Buenos Aires Call to Action

15 December 2018 - It was the G20 Investor Forum (the Forum), hosted by the World Bank and the Government of Argentina, held just before the start of the G20 Summit. For the first time ever, senior executives from the investment community in the private sector, holding over $20 trillion in assets under management, and senior officials from the public sector gathered to discuss how to better collaborate to ensure the capital markets earn the necessary long-term returns for their beneficiaries in a way that supports sustainable development. Comments...

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In the News

G20 Investor Group Wants Reform

10 December 2018 - The investor forum is a joint public-private sector initiative to foster sustainable development and try to right the wrongs of globalisation. At the G20 summit, some of the world’s most influential institutional investors, with collective assets under management of $20 trillion, travelled to Buenos Aires to discuss solutions with policymakers.

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Press Release

Sarah Williamson leads WEF Global Future Council on Long-Term Investing

13 November 2018 - Boston, MA, 13 November 2018 – On Monday in Dubai, FCLTGlobal CEO Sarah Williamson co-chaired the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Long-term Investing at the group’s Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils. The group met over the course of the two-day conference to discuss current global business trends and how to integrate practices that can rewire capital markets toward a longer-term investment philosophy. Also co-chairing the was Alison Tarditi, Chief Investment Officer of Australia’s Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation. The World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils are an...

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In the News

Why Quarterly Earnings Reports Should Go

12 October 2018 - “That would allow greater flexibility & save money. I have asked the SEC to study!” he tweeted. Quarterly reporting seems like a good thing — transparency ensures informed decision-making by investors. And critics of Trump’s idea have cited concerns over a lack of transparency leading to increased investor risk. Yet in practice, quarterly reporting has evolved into a system of managing primarily for the quarterly numbers, with a net result of distorting financial performance negatively, much in the way teaching students solely to perform well on a...

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In the News

Creating Greater Long-Term Sustainable Value

1 October 2018 - To attract these investors, companies need to develop, communicate, and execute a long-term value-creating strategy. CFOs, finance organizations, and management accountants can play a pivotal role in helping companies refocus their strategic performance measures and deployment of resources toward greater long-term value creation.

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In the News

Planning to Fail

7 September 2018 -

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In the News

Asset Managers get Involved in the Companies They Own

30 August 2018 - Executives have grown used to being nagged about their company’s strategy and governance by all and sundry. Activist hedge funds targeted 524 companies worldwide between January and June, compared with 570 in the whole of 2013 and 805 in 2017, according to Activist Insight, a research firm. Last year two big index-makers, S&P Dow Jones and FTSE Russell, excluded firms with multiple share classes from their flagship indices. On August 22nd Glass Lewis, a firm of “proxy advisers” which advises shareholders on how to vote,...

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In the News

Trump is Right: Quarterly Earnings Reports Should Go

23 August 2018 - Last week, President Donald Trump suggested in a tweet that companies could report results every six months instead of quarterly. “That would allow greater flexibility & save money. I have asked the SEC to study!” he tweeted. Quarterly reporting seems like a good thing — transparency ensures informed decision-making by investors. And critics of Trump’s idea have cited concerns over a lack of transparency leading to increased investor risk. Yet in practice, quarterly reporting has evolved into a system of managing primarily for the quarterly numbers, with a...

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In the News

Why Quarterly Reporting From Business Makes Sense

17 August 2018 - In a morning tweet, he said this suggestion came from top business leaders who told him that this “would allow greater flexibility & save money.” Indeed. But at a time when public confidence in all institutions, including business, is declining, this is exactly the wrong direction for government to go.

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