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In the News

Trump is Right: Quarterly Earnings Reports Should Go

23 August 2018 - Last week, President Donald Trump suggested in a tweet that companies could report results every six months instead of quarterly. “That would allow greater flexibility & save money. I have asked the SEC to study!” he...

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In the News

Why Quarterly Reporting From Business Makes Sense

17 August 2018 - In a morning tweet, he said this suggestion came from top business leaders who told him that this “would allow greater flexibility & save money.” Indeed. But at a time when public confidence in all...

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In the News

The End of Quarterly Reporting? Not Much to Cheer About

17 August 2018 - President Trump proposed Friday that public companies should report their financial results only twice a year instead of quarterly....

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Going Long

30 July 2018 - Short-termism. IR professionals and corporate management teams are constantly battling the tendency of many investors to buy or sell shares based on short-term quarterly earnings rather than long-term results. Companies thrive when investors are with...

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In the News

What ‘Long-Term Investor’ Really Means

12 July 2018 - Every asset owner I have met proclaims they are a long-term investor in much the same way that every CEO declares that their greatest asset is their people – automatically and without thinking about it...

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In the News

Buffett Says ‘Short-Termism’ Harmful to Economy and Investors

6 July 2018 - In conjunction with Business Roundtable, an association of nearly 200 major company CEOs, they wrote that, “in our experience, quarterly earnings guidance often leads to an unhealthy focus on short-term profits at the expense of...

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Learning to Think Long-Term

8 June 2018 - ...

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In the News

Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon Really Want Companies to Stop Giving Quarterly Earnings Guidance

7 June 2018 - Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B), and Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s (JPM) chief executive officer, said in a joint Wall Street Journal editorial that they are encouraging all public companies to consider moving away...

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In the News

Dimon, Buffett Urge CEOs to End Quarterly Earnings Forecasts

7 June 2018 - Buffett, who runs Berkshire Hathaway Inc., and Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s chief executive officer, said in a joint Wall Street Journal editorial that they are encouraging all public companies to consider moving away the...

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In the News

Letter to the Editor: Don’t Write Off Corporate Short-Termism

22 May 2018 - In “Streetwise: ‘Quarterly Capitalism’ Doesn’t Add Up” (Business & Finance, May 11), James Mackintosh argues that concerns over short-termism in the U.S. economy are unfounded. While last quarter’s increased capital expenditures, largely driven by investments...

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