Governance | Press Release
2 April 2019 - Boston, MA, April 2, 2019 — FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that advocates for a longer-term focus in business and investment decision-making, is releasing a new whitepaper; Long-term Habits of a Highly Successful Corporate Board,which identifies proven steps corporate directors can take if they aim to be long-term leaders of corporate success. This includes: A heavier focus on strategic counsel, relative to other issues Purchasing and holding company stock through and beyond their tenure. Increased direct communication with the company’s long-term shareholder base. Ensuring the board is comprised of a diverse group of directors, with...
In the News
27 March 2019 -
In the News
15 March 2019 - Now more than ever, investors need to decide whether they want to lock up their money in bets that could pay off richly–or fail disastrously–down the road.
In the News
7 March 2019 - The numbers speak for themselves. Fewer than 15% of S&P 1500 companies refer to longer-term metrics—anything beyond 2 years—in their proxy statements. Globally, only 8.7% of companies in the MSCI All Country World Index issue guidance beyond one year. But these kinds of long-term plans are exactly what investors are clamoring for. Our own survey of institutional investment decision-makers found that 86% want companies to share targets at least three years out. And a survey from Rivel Research found 93% of global buy-side investors prefer targets...
Press Release
25 February 2019 - Boston, MA, 26 February 2019 – FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that advocates for a longer-term focus in business and investment decision-making, published today its latest report on corporate investor communications practices. Driving the Conversation: Long-term roadmaps for long-term success makes the case for companies to share more robust long-term plans, or “roadmaps”, with their investor base rather than issue the quarterly guidance statements that perpetuate a short-term ideology. The new report outlines key elements that companies can include in a roadmap to their shareholders in order to build consensus. This...
In the News
15 February 2019 - A new paper by Focusing Capital on the Long Term (FCLT) acknowledges that investors typically have competing time frames while most of the tools for risk and performance management are for only one investment period. The paper, Balancing Act: Managing risk across multiple time horizons, gives investors, from boards to investment personnel, much-needed practical tools and processes to address this issue successfully.
In the News
6 February 2019 - Sarah Williamson discusses focusing capital on the long term (16:00) with Amanda Lang of Bloomberg Markets. Co-anchored by Amanda Lang in Toronto and Shery Ahn in New York, Bloomberg Markets delivers the most important global business and breaking market news as it happens.
Press Release
1 February 2019 - Boston, MA, 31 January 2019 – FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that advocates for a longer-term focus in business and investment decision-making, has released a new report highlighting the benefits of public markets on long-term value creation. The report, Public Markets for the Long Term: How Successful Listed Companies Thrive, explores the rise of private capital and the presence of these markets alongside traditional public markets. Today, private capital stands at record levels and the success of venture capital-funded unicorns suggests to some that public markets are outdated. A closer...
In the News
1 February 2019 - How about better multiple time-horizon investing? A recent paper* by Focusing Capital on the Long Term (FCLT) injects a dose of self help into the long-horizon investing discussion. It recognises that few investors can focus solely on the long term, and shorter time horizons exist in parallel. Even large institutional investors can have collective behavioural biases around long-term investing. They may be subject to short-term pressures that make sticking to long-term decisions difficult.
In the News
30 January 2019 - From my backseat driver vantage point, Fink long ago saw the light regarding what ails society and the leaders who are at the helm of for-profit organizations. There is a blinding fixation on putting profits ahead of purpose. Indeed purpose seems to have been forgotten or worse ignored. Senior leaders—and arguably a for-profit organization’s board of directors—continue to operate with their head in the sand. Fink’s annual letter to CEOs points this out admirably.
In the News
25 January 2019 - Asset owners with a long-term time horizon are not immune to short-term pressures, according to a new publication from FCLT Global. The 30-page publication – ‘Balancing act: managing risk across multiple time horizons’ – addresses the challenge of managing multiple-horizon portfolios such as pension plans, sovereign wealth funds and endowments, by outlining why such management is important.
Press Release
9 January 2019 - Boston, MA, 9 Jan 2018 – FCLTGlobal, a not-for-profit organization that encourages a longer-term focus in business and investment decision-making, has released its newest publication, Balancing Act: Managing Risk across Multiple Time Horizons, which proposes new approaches for asset owners to manage investment risk across multiple time frames. Long-term funds, such as pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, and endowments manage their portfolios decades or more into the future. They are also required to meet expectations in the near term in order to continue with their investment strategy and...