Governance | In the News
18 May 2020 -
Governance | In the News
23 April 2020 -
Risk and Resilience | In the News
14 April 2020 - Markets in disarray are where long-term investors make their money. Investing countercyclically – when many others without long-term liquidity are selling – is a clear advantage for long-term investors. Investors that perform the best over the long term will have taken calculated and deliberate risks and put money to work during crises like this one.
Investor-Corporate Engagement | In the News
14 April 2020 - With a growing list of companies suspending earnings guidance, FCLT Global CEO Sarah Keohane Williamson explains why quarterly guidance can be problematic.
Policy and Geopolitics | In the News
13 April 2020 -
Governance | In the News
6 April 2020 -
In the News
16 March 2020 - Markets always come back from major disruptions, though it takes a while.
Metrics | Press Release
6 March 2020 - FCLTGlobal’s third Summit brings together top companies and investors
In the News
2 March 2020 - As part of the effort to research long-term value creation across the investment value chain, FCLTGlobal has reached a significant and surprising finding: board gender diversity is as important as revenue growth in predicting a company’s long-term success.
In the News
12 February 2020 - How can they help investors cope with periods of short-term volatility and market downturns?
In the News
4 February 2020 - Outbreak will show whether there is substance behind pledges to manage for the long term