About us header

Over the past year, we have built on the work of the Focusing Capital on the Long Term Initiative to create a fully functional not-for-profit organization with an ambitious research agenda that is well underway. We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight our progress and thank our members for their contributions to this important work.

Over the past year, we have built on the work of the Focusing Capital on the Long Term Initiative to create a fully functional not-for-profit organization with an ambitious research agenda that is well underway. It has been an extremely busy and productive year, and we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight our progress and thank our members for their contributions to this important work.

The highlights include:


Launched our research agenda with member convenings and released two research reports and associated media with McKinsey:

Communications and Events




As this start-up year comes to a close, we are proud of the progress we have made, and cognizant of how much we have to do.  We are grateful for the deep support of our founders, members and their teams, and are excited about our ability to have a real impact on increasing long-term behaviors in capital allocation decisions.