“In our experience, the great CEOs are not just driven by their compensation. They are driven by a need to succeed, a need to accomplish and build something great.”
Scott Sperling joins the podcast to discuss how long-term investors can help build companies of lasting value. With a wide array of experience as a private equity investor and as chair of MassGeneralBrigham, Scott compares the governance models for middle-market companies and more mature organizations, how strategic incentives are critical to maintaining a long-term focus for both, and the wider impacts of inflation and globalization. Looking ahead, we talk about the ideal “hospital of the future”, expanding telehealth and access to care, increasing cost efficiency, and investing in tech and academic medicine.
About Scott Sperling
Scott Sperling is Co-Chief Executive Officer for Thomas H. Lee Partners. Scott is a member of THL’s Management and Investment committee and joined THL in 1994. Prior to joining THL, Scott was managing partner of the affiliate of Harvard Management Company that managed alternative asset classes for Harvard University’s endowment fund. Scott is Chairman of MassGeneral Brigham, the Parent of the Harvard teaching hospitals, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham & Women’s Hospital as well as a number of leading specialty and community hospitals and physicians practice groups.
About THL
THL is a Boston-based private equity firm investing in middle-market growth companies in three industry groups: Financial Technology & Services, Healthcare, and Technology & Business Solutions.